The thread that connects two or more people, the culture, the art, the heritage that we have today, that may have been created thousands, millions, years ago, but the only reason we know it today is through communication.  It can be written, oral, visual, dialect, of any kind.  The idea gives us old tools like old copperplates, carved inscriptions, carved caves, the same tools, how the old people were, the culture of that time, the way of life of that time, houses, towns, solve so many questions, and bring about dialogue.
 Just think, what would have happened if these people hadn't done something like that, the culture they are proud of, the culture, the traditions, their writing, their art, their thoughts, it's nothing, it's just our culture, what culture, what tradition,  Whether or not the creator was a human being, there would have been only a handful of skeptics.  The most important thing is the stages of human progress, all these stages, but the result of their interaction with each other, if they had not done so, the difference between the primitive man of that time and the man of today would have been known.  From this, the cycle of thoughts revolves in your mind and the importance of the forgotten dialogue is underlined.
 Today's era is fast paced.  In that dynamic age, it is a symbol of development for every person to be dynamic.  Because "change is the law of nature, what was reflected survived, what went against it was destroyed." Despite knowing all this, human beings became dynamic, but at the same time self-centered, selfish, applause, responsibility was forgotten, their result was social distance.  , Stressful life, family quarrels, depression, poor health, hope are plagued by innumerable ailments.  Communication from the duravalela.
 This vicious cycle created by man will only get faster when he gets out of the mire of despair, when he realizes his social duty, his selfishness will be replaced by philanthropy, in today's fast paced age man is moving away from his family.  Relatives, society, it's all his family.  He is living a full life. Due to this his mental and physical health is deteriorating and he is totally ignoring them. Along with progressive nations, we are moving towards a mentally, physically, weak nation and such a nation will never be liked by anyone, so let's all decide,  Society for us We will re-establish our estranged relationship by realizing this for the society, and for this a  The panacea is to use communication, then start with your family, increase communication in your family, give maximum time to family, talk about each other's problems, because there is no counselor in the world who understands and advises on family.  Q. By becoming a overcome vaccine and killing the virus like depression, by promoting pleasant mental health  The principal barrier yeka family, healthy, happy, stress-free society by creating, an advanced, happy, strong, no doubt that the nation biruda-off your head.
 Savand is the only tool we all know about.

 - Avinash Waghmare

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