You may have read, heard, and even heard the word thief in newspapers, in the media.  The thief uttered the word, before our eyes, money, robbery, fraud, robbery, burglary, innumerable such incidents occur.  Sometimes the exact description of a thief made by a news channel comes to mind.  This is the maximum of your flamboyant news channel.  I think this is a narrow sense of thief.  In the broadest sense, everyone is a thief.  I did not escape from it.  Let me give you some read examples first.  Then each person explains how a thief is.

                       Example number 1 -

                        In the United States, Arthur Berry  became a well-known jeweler and an unusual thief.  The same name still ranks first in American criminal history.  So much so that he was a master thief in the world of theft.  In the 1920's, he was hailed as the 'Greatest Jewel Thief'.  He used to target only the very rich, and stealing was also a sign of prestige. Although stealing was bad, people had attraction, admiration and sympathy for the thief.  Unfortunately one day during the robbery, the police fired three shots at him, and caught him!  He spent the next eighteen years of his life in prison.  When he was released from prison, he gave up committing crimes and stealing, leading a simple life, but his curiosity about 'The Great Jewel Thief Arthur Berry' had not diminished.  Asked the question, Arthur also answered heartily. The interview was very colorful, the interviewer asked the last question, "To whom did you commit the biggest theft? Answer the truth."
 "Do you really want to hear the real answer?"  Looking at the crowd, Arthur asked, "Yes, yes!"  There was only one glitch.
 "The biggest man I've ever had is named, 'Arthur Berry', yes!  I am my biggest culprit. ”
 Everyone was stunned and calm. ”I could have been a successful businessman, I could have been the uncrowned emperor of Wall Street, I could have been a lucky social worker serving the community, but without doing that I chose to steal, and my two-thirds  I wasted my life in prison. ”Arthur Berry was, in fact, the biggest culprit.

                             Example 2–

                One rainy day in 1887, a customer entered a grocery store soaking wet.  He bought some things, and handed the twenty-dollar note over the counter, and he walked out.  The woman on the street smiled at the daily acquaintance, and put the note in the street, he was their regular customer, his house was near the shop, and he was a budding painter by profession.  Emanuel Ninger His name! She had ink on her hand as the note was wet.  It was a fake note, but the police were shocked to see such an exact copy. The police raided the painter's house and confiscated all his paintings.  He was taken to prison.  He admitted before the court that he had so far used several counterfeit notes in the market.  The court ordered compensation by auctioning his paintings. The paintings were auctioned while he was in prison, each of which sold for more than डॉलर 5,000.  Millions of dollars were raised.  The important thing was that Ningar, who was making a five thousand dollar picture, had to spend more time making a twenty dollar note.  He had committed the biggest theft with himself.  He could have lived a very luxurious life by living an honest life.  If he had cultivated his art without deceiving others, if he had not only become rich, in return, society would have given him respect, honor, dignity and recognition, he would have loved his art, along with happiness and contentment.  Cheated.  The biggest theft of his life with himself.

                    Example No. 3–

           This is going to apply to everyone.
 Anyone who does not recognize their innate art, sometimes due to laziness and sometimes due to not recognizing their true identity, cannot recognize the skills and innate qualities in their body is a great thief.  He is a thief in every way, not using his full potential.  Don’t believe in your abilities.  That person is a thief, who does not believe in himself.  He is a thief in every nook and cranny, who gives nothing to society, only removes the faults and shortcomings of others.  Anyone who steals, on purpose, or unknowingly, but does not love his work, does not do justice to his work, is a thief.  Every person who is not honest with himself and others is a thief.  Everyone who does not love their surroundings and their own lives is guilty, and according to the autobiographies of the above two thieves, first of all, he is guilty of himself.  Then the society, these things must have happened in our life without knowing it, someone may have known it and someone may have got used to it.  Everyone is the first to commit a crime, but I have a thief hidden in you.  Get him out and try to remove your name from this list of thieves, and be a true, honest, citizen .......

                          - avinash Waghmare

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